DGB blueheron at Bayland.net
Fri May 9 16:08:13 EDT 2008

Ten-Tec Omni VI Opt.3 (Model 563) s/n 12A10582 in great condition, 
clean, works perfectly all bands and all modes, no issues and full 
output. It is fully filtered out starting with the Inrad CW roofing 
filter, and on the 6.3 i.f. board, a 2.4khz ssb, 1.8khz ssb, 500hz cw, 
250hz cw filters. On the 9 MHz i.f. board, a 1.8khz ssb, Inrad 400hz cw, 
TT 250hz cw. Also has the voice synthesizer module installed. Radio 
comes with the original manual/documentation and a 961 power 
supply/speaker. Price for this rig including all the filters and PS/Spkr 
$1350 plus actual shipping costs. Price for this rig barebones $1000. 
Many more pix and info available, contact Dwight NS9I at 920-826-7422 or 
e-mail. Pick-up okay in NE Wisconsin or deliver to Dayton, or somewhere 
in between.

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