[TenTec] Balun Isolator
Ronald C. McConnell
rcmcc at embarqmail.com
Fri May 9 16:43:07 EDT 2008
I figured someone would speak up. :)
As Stuart notes, the open spaces in a 95% coverage
coax criss-cross braid are much smaller than a wavelength at HF
and probably do not translate to anything like 5% ingress or egress.
I seem to recall seeing stuff where the "shield" is
just a few wires sort of spiraled around the coax core.
"That is a good project for someone to measure how much current passes
thru the 5 per cent open space."
And report back.
Ron McConnell
"When you can measure
what you are speaking about,
and express it in numbers,
you know something about it.
But when you cannot measure it,
when you cannot express it in numbers,
your knowledge is of a meagre
and unsatisfactory kind.
It may be the beginning of knowledge,
but you have scarcely in your thoughts
advanced to the state of science."
- 1891, William Thomson, Lord Kelvin,
1824-1907, pioneer in thermodynamics,
hydrodynamics, geomagnetism, electricity,...
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