[TenTec] K3 vs Orion One
pa5mw at home.nl
pa5mw at home.nl
Wed May 14 01:58:45 EDT 2008
---- Charles Harpole <k4vud at hotmail.com> schrijft:
> To TT: (1) publish some b&w text ads to teach hams how to adjust and use your ORIONs.... these rigs
> are poor just of the box and if a user never explores A LOT, he will bad-mouth the radio, etc. The ORIONs are
> not your father's receiver and are best operated vy different from earlier generations of ham radios.... users
> and potential customers MUST have this info from the factory... some "Tech Talks".... to get their radios
> to perform to full abilities
What about the Orion yahoo-group?
Can anybody arrange a datafile on
- How to set-up your Orion (/II) for CW & SSB
- How to connect things like Amplifier
- Operating tips&tricks
Check the Icom 746 yahoogroup at http://groups.yahoo.com/group/IC746/files/ and check the IC746FAQ.pdf.
It is a perfect example for a great infobase. And all good feedback is secured for the future. No more repeating questions on how do I setup the xxx on my Orion etc..
Although I recognize the Orion is in a totally different league, you get the point right?
'73 Mark, PA5MW
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