[TenTec] My 2 cents

georgefritkin at yahoo.com georgefritkin at yahoo.com
Wed May 14 19:39:38 EDT 2008

No even in these times of high prices my opinion is only worth two cents

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: ron <roncasa at verizon.net>

Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 16:40:20 
To:Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] My 2 cents

george fritkin wrote:
> I can not sit quiet any more.  My HF setup now has a
> dozen positions.  No boat anchors, all the latest and
> greatest except I have nothing from Flex.  In position
> #1 is my ORION ll.  Why?  It is simple, it works the
> best.  I am an sports car collector.  Corvettes have
> had some of the best best "numbers" in terms of
> performance of any cars including the great German and
> Italian "iron".  But drive a Porsche or a Ferrari,
> then drive a Corvette.  As we use to say, you do not
> drive "numbers" you drive cars.  Then you will know
> why Porsche and Ferrari are the best and Corvette is
> not quite in the same league.
> Tentec, you guys rock!

sorry George,

due to inflation we do not accept anything less than 10 cents .....  (smile)

are U OPRION??
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