[TenTec] Orion 565 Oscillator frequency problem

James C. Owen, III k4cgy_list at yahoo.com
Tue May 20 10:59:39 EDT 2008

Hi Rob,
   Rig is within spec . Spec is +/- 3 PPM which is 45 Hz @ 15Mhz
and 60 Hz @ 20 Mhz.  You have a maximum drift of 32 Hz @ 15 Mhz
and 42 Hz at 20 Mhz. However the frequency starts off at  32 Hz
low so if the TCXO has a trimmer it likely can be touched up a
little to be closer.

73 Jim K4CGY
--- Rob Santello <K6DQ at drumon.com> wrote:

> Hello group,
>    I've lately noticed my Orion 565 is way off frequency and
> drifting 
> during warm-up. These measurements were taken at 80 degree room
> temperature beating against WWV on both 15 and 20 MHz.
> Initial turn on:
> 15 MHz WWV: 14.999.968
> 20 MHz WWV: 19.999.956
> 45 Minutes into  warm-up:
> 15 MHz WWV: 14.999.946
> 20 MHz WWV: 19.999.928
> 1hr 30 Minutes into  warm-up:
> 15 MHz WWV: 14.999.939
> 20 MHz WWV: 19.999.919
> 3 hours into  warm-up:
> 15 MHz WWV: 14.999.936
> 20 MHz WWV: 19.999.914
> So my questions are:
> 1. Does it look like the TCXO has a problem or might it be
> something else?
> 2. Will adjusting the oscillator fix the frequency problem and 
> somehow positively affect the drifting as well?
> 3. If the TCXO is bad, can the TCXO be replace at home or do  I
> need 
> to send it to Ten-Tec (and hopefully get any needed updates
> too)
> Thanks for any help, suggestions  and information.
> --rob--
> K6DQ
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