[TenTec] 9420 power supply

Billy Cox aa4nu at ix.netcom.com
Sat Nov 1 14:59:05 EDT 2008

OK, I'll add what I learned ... in this case it was a Herc II with
the 9420 power supply ... totally DEAD ... no dial light, fan, etc

... THANKS to Ken, and especially John, G3JAG, and Garry at
Ten-Tec ... the problem was found to be U1, a 7815 regulator.

Perhaps this will help there?

73 de Billy, AA4NU

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ken Brown" <ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>; "Billy Cox" 
<aa4nu at ix.netcom.com>
Sent: Saturday, November 01, 2008 18:49
Subject: Re: [TenTec] 9420 power supply

> Hi Tom,
>     Another guy has been working on a 9420 lately, and had problems with 
> it turning on at all. I believe he discovered at failed IC in the control 
> board. Perhaps if the two of you corresponded directly you could help each 
> other.
> Here is his email address:
> aa4nu at ix.netcom.com
>    Have you tried powering the Omni VI with a separate power supply? There 
> are two ways that the 9420 can get turned on, one is by the transceiver 
> and one is directly from the Hercules. I have an Omni VI and Hercules with 
> 9420 power supply, and have never powered the Omni VI from the 9420, 
> always use a 962 to power the Omni. I wonder if the glitch that is giving 
> you trouble might happen only from the Omni VI initiating turn on of the 
> 9420. If you have another power supply for the Omni it might be a fairly 
> easy thing to try.
> Ken N6KB
> Tom Macon wrote:
>> I have a Hercules II amp with the 9420 power supply that's having 
>> problems.  1. When the amp is switched on, the Overload light comes on 
>> immediately.
>> 2. When trying to run the tranceiver (Omni VI) from the 9420, there is a 
>> loud relay buzz from the 9420 followed by something tripping out.  This 
>> happens regardless of whether the amp is plugged into the 9420.
>> The first problem appears to be voltage spike from the 9420 that trips 
>> the overvoltage circuit in the amp.  I've been able to capture a 20v 
>> spike at turn-on but can't determine which of the four supplies is 
>> causing it.
>> The second problem occurs with either the Omni or a resistive load 
>> plugged into the transceiver connector.  Evidently something trips 
>> because when the buzzing stops (after a couple of seconds), the output 
>> voltage is about 0.62v.
>> It's very difficult to troubleshoot the 9420 because of limited access to 
>> it's internals and it can't be run in a partially disassembled state 
>> because many of the cables are too short.  I'm hoping someone is familiar 
>> with the beast will have suggestions to help me zero in on the 
>> problem(s) - they will be greatly appreciated!
>> Tom Macon, K9BTQ
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