[TenTec] ten tec orion receiver opinions -

jack jfriend31 at comcast.net
Tue Nov 4 18:11:49 EST 2008

the Orion (original) is the best receiver i have ever had/used.
jack ak7o

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "john ferro" <foxbat426 at hotmail.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, November 03, 2008 7:43 PM
Subject: [TenTec] ten tec orion receiver opinions -

> i've used some great receivers over the years - my favorites are the drake 
> r7, aor 7030, icom r75. among a few transceivers. i have the opportunity 
> to purchase a ten tec orion 1. the sherwood engineering receiver reviews 
> rate the orion at the top of the list. i would like to hear from orion 
> users regarding the receiver in this radio - i am a ham also, but my 
> interests really are with dxing the tropical, MW and the LW bands i.e. 
> weak signal dx - if the receiver is good and i purchase the radio i can 
> transmit to boot! having owned this rig how would you rate the receiver 
> vs. other radios you have used? - is this transceiver attenuated on the MW 
> and LW bands like most transceivers are? - is the receiver in the orion 
> that good? would this radio be good for my purposes - thanks again in 
> advance. sincerely, john ki4ucw
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