[TenTec] Corsair II

g p n2wjw at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 29 09:52:37 EST 2008

Paul, Im just wondering, the thump...when do you hear it? I have some older Ten Tec rigs with a thump on CW especially with headphones, I have an Omni V now that has one thump when starting to transmit on cw on the first character only after not sending for a few seconds, and its not there with the poer down. My Tritan IV had a constant thump on every character and all this is more noticeable with headphones. The thump is only on the side tone, the sent signal is nice and clean
Gil n2wjw

--- On Sat, 11/29/08, Paul DeWitte <kb9lie at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Paul DeWitte <kb9lie at gmail.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Corsair II
To: tentec at contesting.com
Date: Saturday, November 29, 2008, 9:26 AM

My Corsair II has a thump in the headphones and also in the speaker on TX if 
I have the output power above about 80w. If I turn back the output to 80W or 
less it disapears. It has always done this. Just wondering if this was 
common to all CIIs or just mine.

Not a big issue, as I have just put up with it over the years. If easy fix I 
would be interested.

Thanks 73
Paul K9OT 

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