[TenTec] SSB operators Omni-VII, Jupiter, Orion's

charles Lewis s9ss160m at yahoo.com
Sat Oct 11 07:05:45 EDT 2008


I'm running an ORION I that I bought from you guys at last year's Ten-Tec hamfest.  I'm using a 30 years old Shure 444 type microphone, but I plan to get something much better when I can decide what.  I use no external processing.  I never use the built-in processing because it sounds bad to me at any useful setting.  I have the TX EQ set to -15 dB to keep the 444 from sounding too muddy.  

I love the receiver and CW operation aspects of the ORION.   I surely wish I had had it at S9SS, especially for 160M CW.

I enjoyed the '08 hamfest and my second tour of the factory.  SEDCO was fun also.  

Charles Lewis - KY4P
ex S9SS, SV0LM, S92SS, A22AA,  etc. 
(Now very happily retired in the NC mountains in Ashe County after 19 years overseas with VOA)

----- Original Message ----
From: Ten-Tec Amateur Radio Sales <sales at tentec.com>
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 9, 2008 9:34:00 AM
Subject: [TenTec] SSB operators Omni-VII, Jupiter, Orion's

Good morning,

I’m working on a small project here at Ten-Tec that I could use a little 
user feedback on via email.

If you currently use a Jupiter, Omni-VII, Orion or Orion II as your main 
HF transceiver and either most of the time or exclusively operate SSB on 
HF and would like to help out by answering a short survey via email, 
drop me an email at sales at tentec.com Tell me what rig you’re running, 
what microphone(s) you use and if you are using external audio 
processing gear between the microphone and the input of the rig, 
describe that as well. I’ll respond with a survey of a few questions, 
and then I might follow it up with another email with additional 
questions based on the answers to the first email.

Thanks in advance,

Scott Robbins, W4PA
TenTec mailing list
TenTec at contesting.com


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