[TenTec] OMNI VI Inputs Please

atrampler at att.net atrampler at att.net
Fri Apr 3 15:19:37 PDT 2009

A demo Omni VI?

Sure that isn't a demo Omni VII, unless they've been using it as a demo for 
nearly eight years longer (or more) than the unit has been available new?

Art, K0RO

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bill Mellema" <mellema at qis.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Cc: "Jeff Edmondson" <seadog2400 at comcast.net>
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 4:50 PM
Subject: [TenTec] OMNI VI Inputs Please

> Folks:
> I have a good friend who is talking to Ten Tec about buying a demo OMNI
> VI. I read the ARRL product review and it looks pretty good....I would
> appreciate it if anyone that has owned or operated the OMNI VI would
> give us your opinions and tips. I am biased because I am hooked on Ten
> Tec gear myself but I am just not familiar with the OMNI VI. Since the
> unit Ten Tec is selling is a demo I doubt if it's all that old but I
> don't know for sure.
> Your inputs are appreciated..
> Best 73's
> Bill N3WM
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