[TenTec] Faraday cage

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Sat Apr 4 21:35:10 PDT 2009

They had something not right in that Faraday cage, if you had noise 
inside.  Of course, copper does not adequately block low frequency 
magnetic field components, and that likely was the source of your 
noise.  Our ACE rooms at Southwest Research were doubled steel panels..  
Same for the anechoic chambers at Dell Computers in Austin.  They have a 
30m room that is also lined with anechoic foam as well as being solid 
walls of metal.  It even has an air tight remote controlled 
pneumatically powered door.  It is acoustically and RF quiet!

Stuart Rohre
K5KVH, Austin TX

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