[TenTec] RF Ground

Gary Hoffman ghoffman at spacetech.com
Sun Apr 5 11:22:49 PDT 2009

My point is different.

I don't care if the coax radiates.  In fact I accept that it will in 
virtually all cases, at least to a degree.

I was referring to the effect at the input to the radio.

If we shunt the current away from the radio....to ground... at that point, 
then it will not flow into the radio.

I was trying to keep noise out of the radio, for the purposes of addressing 
the original "buzz" problem.

Of course many posters here don't agree that ground has anything to do with 
it, and some focus on "pin 1" and others have their pet causes.  I was 
addressing one item that had a theoretical solution.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Steve Hunt" <steve at karinya.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 8:31 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] RF Ground

> Gary - not sure what point you are making. Say we did have the perfect
> RF Ground at the radio, impedance zero, voltage zero. That's when the
> common-mode current is highest and when the radiation from the coax in
> the shack will be highest. Don't confuse  "zero voltage" with "zero
> radiation" - quite the opposite in this case!
> Steve G3TXQ
> Gary Hoffman wrote:
>> I don't feel that this is a particularly good example for the following
>> reason.
>> If, and only if, the ground point at the radio where the coax is 
>> terminated
>> to the radio is an excellent RF ground, then any current flowing on the
>> outside of the coax will be shunted to ground at that point.  As it is an
>> excellent ground, impedance is low, and voltage will thus be low as well
>> .... ideally zero of course.
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