[TenTec] RF Ground

CSM(r) Gary Huber glhuber at msn.com
Tue Apr 7 05:54:33 PDT 2009

Jim, consider many parts of the country where the water supply is provided via PVC or plastic.  In my rural subdivision (and at my residence) the wells have PVC well casings. My well (200' deep) has a PVC down pipe to the submersible 220 VAC pump. 

My house "electrical ground" is provided by the power company meter base installed ground rod. There was a "grounding connection" from the Main Breaker Panel to the copper cold water line inside the house but that line transitioned to the plastic well supply.  I added supplemental 7 foot ground rods in the basement sump wells and bonded the rods to the copper cold water line in accordance with the National Electrical Code. 

Best regards,

CSM(r) Gary Huber - AB9M
9679 Heron Bay Rd
Bloomington, IL 61705
glhuber at msn.com 
gary.huber at us.army.mil 

From: "Jim WA9YSD" <wa9ysd at yahoo.com>
Sent: Sunday, April 05, 2009 6:34 PM
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: Re: [TenTec] RF Ground

> If you were checking grounds in a newly developed project with new houses, what would you use to check the grounding to each house?  The fire hydrant.  You would run heavy 00 welding cable from the hydrant to each house and measure the resistance.  Out in the country you would use your well casing as your reference and measure resistance to various points. RF as far as I am concerned is less than 1 OHM.  Electrical standards is 25  ohms or so.  Every thing radiates so you have to take other measures.
> Keep The Faith, Jim K9TF/WA9YSD
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