[TenTec] RF Ground

Stuart Rohre rohre at arlut.utexas.edu
Wed Apr 8 16:51:16 PDT 2009

Jim, WA9YSD, does have a good point.  Check the applicable electrical 
code for your jurisdiction on spacing of your grounding circuit from 
electrical hardware.  For example, there is a 3 foot rule for working 
distance around an electrical enclosure in last years code of NFPA.  
Sadly, National Electrical Code may not adequately address RF concerns, 
nor keeping lightning difference of potential issues from becoming 
excessive voltage for ham gear.

Another reason to remove ham gear from the antenna feeders, and its 
electrical cords from the outlets when the station is not in use.  And 
disconnection and grounding of the feeders outside the building.

Stuart Rohre

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