[TenTec] Head Phones

Bwana Bob wb2vuf at gti.net
Tue Apr 14 16:56:48 PDT 2009


The best 'phones for cw are the old style magnetic types because they 
have a resonance around 800 Hz.  I found new mil HS-19 headphones at 
Army Surplus Warehouse (http://armysurpluswarehouse.com).

The other option would be aircraft headphones.  Search the aviation 
supply web sites. You might be able to restore your Telex headphones or 
fix up a set of David Clark 'phones. Marv Golden Pilot Supply has 
replacement parts and ear cushions.


					Bob WB2VUF

Jim WA9YSD wrote:
> I am looking for some head phones that are noise canceling for my Omni VI Plus Ten-Tec radio. I heard that Bose howls when listening to CW.  Do not get me wrong, I have never used a pair.  My Telex ProCom 250 head set with boom mic are getting ratty and about 20 years old.  I use a Ten-Tec desk mic so I really do not need a boom mic head set unless thats the best head phones for CW.  My sister stole my military Navy head phones 25 years ago she said they were hers, I got them from a friend in the Navy.  I liked those.
> I am a CW OP.
> Any recommendations?
>  Keep The Faith, Jim K9TF/WA9YSD
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