[TenTec] Ten-Tec visit

Chuck Chandler ws1l at comcast.net
Sat Aug 8 12:31:47 PDT 2009

Ten-Tec has a store.  Not large but good stuff.  They also have a  
small museum which is neat.  They give tours, no appointment needed.   
I was passing through on a business trip and Scott was kind enough to  
take the time to show me around.  Good folks.

73 de Chuck, WS1L

Sent from my iPhone...
Chuck Chandler
charles_chandler at comcast.net
ws1l at comcast.net
charles.r.chandler at usm.edu

On Aug 8, 2009, at 2:12 PM, Richards <jruing at ameritech.net> wrote:

> Hmmm....  a single answer to a compound question....
> Is Paul saying "no tours"  ...or...  "no store to visit" ...
> or... "no appointment necessary"  ?
> ===============  K8JHR  =================
> Paul Gates wrote:
>> NO
>> On Fri, Aug 7, 2009 at 9:19 AM, Tom Williams<n2cu at roadrunner.com>  
>> wrote:
>>> Do they have tours of the facility or just a store to visit? Is an  
>>> appointment required?
> ========================================
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