[TenTec] Collins group

NC2F nc2f at optonline.net
Fri Aug 14 09:21:08 PDT 2009

Here you are, Dave:


I was a member there for a number of years after purchasing some vintage 
Collins gear... Check eBay's completed sales listing for some ideas on 
where prices are these days. They have come down over time it seems. I 
continued to pursue my Ten Tec collecting and didn't acquire nearly what 
I had been looking at in the Collins realm so I couldn't offer you any 
hard and fast numbers....

Good luck.

Dennis NC2F

Dave Edwards wrote:
> Trying to figure a fair price on a mint KWM2A, 30L1, and 312B5 VFO....Can 
> anyone give me their thoughts....or better yet, is there a similar reflector 
> to this one for Collins devotees?
> Thanks all, and sorry for the off-topic message.
> ....Dave 
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