[TenTec] ALC - How does it work ?

CSM(r) Gary Huber - AB9M glhuber at msn.com
Wed Aug 19 20:39:22 PDT 2009

After using various TenTec radios for more than 30 years, I consider the Ten-Tec ALC to be an Automatic output LIMIT Control; that is, one may use  the ALC to set the output limit from 5 Watts to 100 Watts, with the Mic Gain or Drive used to achieve output to the Limit set by the ALC.

In the case of PSK-31, I set the ALC so that the transmit signal could go to 100 Watts but limit it to 30 Watts with the Drive (MIC gain) when driven by the sound card output of 50% or less. In this case the ALC light never goes on during PSK-31 transmissions.


Gary - AB9M

From: "F8EHJ" <f8ehj at free.fr>
Sent: Wednesday, August 19, 2009 11:21 AM
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] ALC - How does it work ?

> Hello,
> After reading jupiter documentation and some posts on the mailing  
> list, I don't  understand how does ALC indicator work ?
> In CW mode : ALC is lighting with dot or dash transmit.
> In SSB mode : ALC is blinking with voice peak, the MIC gain shall be  
> adjusted for this.
> PSK31 : ALC LED must not be lighted.
> I noticed sometimes that (in SSB mode) ALC LED didn't  light even if  
> Mic Gain was at maximum. For ALC blinking, I shall decrease output  
> power from 100 to 92 %.
> I noticed this case when SWR was about 1.6 , 1.7
> Why ?
> Thanks for your help.
> Best 73's
> Herve F8EHJ
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