[TenTec] sidetone thump

Paul DeWitte k9ot at yousq.net
Fri Dec 4 12:22:09 PST 2009

Gil I had what sounds like the same thing that you have, only mine is a 
Corsair II.

I am using an Astrom SS30M power supply with a fast acting breaker in line. 
I also was using power poles so we could use any rig with any power supply.

Evidently somewhere along the line the connection was not good enough and 
there must have been a voltage drop when keying.

I made a new power cord that went direct from the power supply to the rig 
and put the circuit breaker in line on the positive side. NO MORE THUMP now 
when keying.

The old Omni, Corsair, Corsair II, were great CW rigs. If you have not had 
one before, and like QSK you will love it and the quiet receiver.

Paul K9OT 

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