[TenTec] ARRLWeb: ARRL NEWS: Scott Robbins, W4PA, to Purchase Vibroplex

Stan w4ag at mindspring.com
Mon Dec 7 18:12:19 PST 2009

I wish Scott the best too, although I do worry about what now happens to the
Ten-Tec Amateur line.

Also wonder about the business case for a company that makes keys, although
maybe Scott has some new ideas in mind. My first QSO, almost 50 years ago,
was with a Vibroplex key, and I have used many of their bugs and paddles
since. I am also now using a Begali Simplex that I love, but some new
offerings from Vibroplex might coax me to try something else.

Stan, W4AG

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Martin Ewing
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2009 5:56 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] ARRLWeb: ARRL NEWS: Scott Robbins, W4PA, to Purchase

I wish him the best, of course.  Just wondering what the business case
is for taking on that portfolio of century old key designs?   It's not
exactly a growth market.  Maybe there's something going on in the back
room?  I hope so!

I write as a happy owner of a Begali Simplex.  There is a nice
boutique market for products like that, but I don't expect many people
are getting rich selling Morse keys.

73 Martin AA6E

Dr. Martin S. Ewing, AA6E
Branford, Connecticut
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