[TenTec] O2 output level with PSK aux in
Glenn AE0Q
gm5bkc at gmail.com
Tue Feb 10 23:51:09 EST 2009
What kind of external wattmeter are you using, Jim? Different
wattmeters read power in many non-standard ways, including the ones in
our radios :-(
73 - Glenn AE0Q
On Tue, Feb 10, 2009 at 9:19 PM, Jim M. <jmiller1706 at cfl.rr.com> wrote:
> Let me clarify one thing I didn't mention. I am using the "Navigator" USB
> sound card interface box, which works quite nicely otherwise. The O2 spec
> says it needs -6 dBm audio to the aux connector to drive it to full output.
> When I drive the O2 directly from the computer sound card set to about half
> level, I can get enough audio to bring the O2 up to full output on the
> external wattmeter. That happens at about 0.5 volt P-P audio from the
> computer sound card, which is probably somewhere in the right area(a guess).
> But... when I use the Navigator sound card (USB external), I can't get
> enough audio drive to the O2 even with all its level controls on max. And I
> have the O2 Aux gain menu setting at max. With the Navigator I get about
> half full power. All I can think is that the Navigator sound card doesn't
> output enough audio for the Orion Aux input.
> So maybe I need to return the Navigator, and drive the O2 from the computer
> sound card directly, or maybe its an internal setting on the Navigator. I
> have used Navigator setup to set all attenuators to zero, so I can't
> understand why it has output that is lower than what the O2 needs. Does any
> one else use the Navigator with the Orion on data modes?
> Now a separate issue is the possible discrepancy between the external
> wattmeter and the O2 wattmeter (that's not a Navigator issue). When the
> external meter reads 100W, the O2 meter is at the max peg. If I crank the
> audio down to where the O2 meter reads just below 100, then I am only
> getting 50-70 watts actual RF out (using a continuous audio drive signal).
> The O2 power meter also seems to bounce around a lot.
> Thanks, Jim N4BE
"Remember, any tool can be the right tool!" Red Green
ae0q at arrl.net --SOWP 5558-M, ARRL LM, QCWA LM, OOTC, NCVA--
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