[TenTec] 2.041XL Loaded and running

Fotis SV8ING sv8ing at yahoo.gr
Thu Feb 26 16:11:41 PST 2009

New software is running fine.
The spectrum is very nice ,much better than before.
The copy of VFO A to B nice as you can copy and the BW.
AGC not tested yet.

Thanks TT,nice FW update.Don't forget the NR in the next one!


Fotis SV8ING


--- Στις Πέμ., 26/02/09, ο/η Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF] <peter at frenning.dk> έγραψε:
Από: Peter Frenning [OZ1PIF] <peter at frenning.dk>
Θέμα: [TenTec] 2.041XL Loaded and running
Προς: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>, orion565 at yahoogroups.com
Ημερομηνία: Πέμπτη, 26 Φεβρουάριος 2009, 22:52

on my O2, and so far so good, initially all is well and the new 
functions seem to be running as documented.

Vy 73 de OZ1PIF/5Q2M, Peter

** CW: Who? Me? You must be joking!! **
email: peter(no-spam-filler)@frenning.dk
Ph. +45 4619 3239
Peter Frenning
Ternevej 23
DK-4130 Viby Sj.

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