[TenTec] 2.041XL first audio crash

Jim M. jmiller1706 at cfl.rr.com
Sat Feb 28 18:15:08 PST 2009

I suspect there are some latent software coding "bugs" causing this, and
also causing the "red flash" screen.  This is a beta, which means they
should get these reports and eventually fix the bugs.  New software always
has bugs.

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Fotis SV8ING
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 3:07 PM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: [TenTec] 2.041XL first audio crash

If I use NR and Notch together in the AF AGC mode,after a minute or so , I
always get audio crash.I hear  only ''white noise''.
I change to RF AGC(which is fine) and then to AF AGC and the audio comes
back.(or I switch the radio off and on )

I tried it at least 10 times with the same results.


Fotis SV8ING


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