[TenTec] 1208 Transverter

Bwana Bob wb2vuf at gti.net
Tue Jan 13 21:12:54 EST 2009

Well, you could build a "swamping pad", a resistive  attenuator with a 
dummy load. Run the Corsair at full power but set up the resistor values 
so that 95% of the power goes into the dummy load and 5% goes to the 
transverter.  Kinda wasteful, but it will prevent you from overdriving 
the transverter.


					Bob WB2VUF

David Cuttler wrote:
> I have a 1208 transverter on the way to me, and I would like to use it with my Corsair II. The issue  I am concerned about is that one day I will forget to turn down the drive to five watts and fry the transverter. I could drive it with my OHR-500 QRP rig, but that limits me to CW only.
> Is this going to be an issue, or can the transverter stand the higher power for a limited time? Any advice would be welcome.
> David
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