[TenTec] not quite OT: outboard DSPs

Michael Tortorella w2iy at verizon.net
Fri Jan 16 12:17:59 EST 2009

Dean and many others who replied,

First, let me say thank you to all who weighed in on this topic.  I have
learned a lot from you all.  A private message that did not get to the list
also recommended the Datong FL-1 or FL-2 which I had never heard of.  I
should add that I am primarily interested in CW and am concerned about how
these units may interact with the QSK.  So I am reading those comments
particularly closely and if anyone else can offer additional CW-centric
thoughts that would be great.  

Like TenTec equipment, this is a great list.  Thank you all again.

Mike W2IY

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of AL7CR
Sent: Friday, January 16, 2009 11:35 AM
To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment
Subject: Re: [TenTec] not quite OT: outboard DSPs

I have used both extensively on SSB and the NIR-12 is by far the better 
unit.  It offers the choice of spectral subtraction, adaptive 
filtering, or both in series.  There simply is no comparison between 
the effectiveness of spectral subtraction with adaptive filtering for 
noise reduction.  It requires much more processing power to implement 
which is why it is not seen as often in amateur units.  It does 
introduce a small time delay into the signal but I personally never 
found this a difficulty.  The NIR-12's implementation of adaptive 
filtering is the equal of the DSP59.

The NIR-12 was quite expensive when new.  Also the manufacturer decided 
to focus on government applications as I recall.  I sold my DSP-59 
after using the NIR-12 for only a short time.

The NIR-12 does not have the "bells and whistles" of the Timewave 
unit.  It is a noise reduction unit alone not a multifunction unit.


On Thu, 15 Jan 2009 19:55:53 -0500, Michael Tortorella wrote:
> Good evening, all:
> Some of using older Tentec equipment can benefit from outboard DSP audio
> filtering, so this is not quite OT..I wonder if I can tap the list wisdom
> regarding a preference for the JPS NIR-12 versus the JPS NIR-10 versus the
> Timewave DSP 59?
> Thanks for any input and 73 to all,
> Mike W2IY
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