[TenTec] Ham Radio Deluxe

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson geraldj at storm.weather.net
Sun Jan 18 10:40:27 EST 2009

On Sun, 2009-01-18 at 07:42 -0700, DW Holtman wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you to everyone who send suggestions and ideas to fix this problem, 
> especially Dell KI7XD for sending me a three page document from Ten Tec. 
> However, the problem is the same. I'm using a 25 db to 25 db cable. It is 
> wired correctly according to the manual and the document from Ten Tec. The 
> only difference is the manual has some jumper wires on the PC side of the 
> plug. The document does not show the jumpers? What are they for? It is 
> wired:
> 2 to 2
> 3 to 3
> 7 to 7
> and jumpers on the PC end
> 4 to 5
> 6 to 8 to 20.

4 to 5 is connecting the handshake Request To Send to Clear To Send. RTS
to CTS.

6 to 8 to 20 is connecting the handshake Data Set Ready to Data Carrier
Detect and Data Terminal Ready. DSR to DCD and DTR. 

Two hardware handshake lines that make packaged serial software
expecting a real modem happy.
> The document talks a built in diagnostic mode to trouble shoot communication 
> problems. It is several years old making references to Windows 98 and using 
> HyperTerminal to communicate. I will try this out I'm running XP.
> My computer has no 9 pin serial ports. It has one 25 pin serial port on the 
> back (I assume it is serial port). How can I figure out if it is com 1 or 
> com 2 etc?

Try it one at a time. Usually if there is only one 25 pin male, its
COM1, but that's changeable in the BIOS and windoze set up. You won't
break anything trying to communicate through a port not present. It just
won't work.
> Any more help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I hope this makes 
> some sense, there are several items mentioned.
> Best,
> DW Holtman
73, Jerry, K0CQ

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