[TenTec] Ground, noise blankers in the Omni V and plasma TV's

Scott Sheppard scottsheppard at videotron.ca
Sun Jan 18 17:54:16 EST 2009


Dealing with some very bad RFI from my plasma TV (Panasonic).Have
improved my ground to no avail (I honestly did'nt think it would do
anything anyway--in fact it stays the same with no ground at all). Its
all made worse, of course, by the fact I boughgt the TV and brought it
to my --up to then--quiet QTH! My noise blanker on the omni V works OK
on 80m but hopeless on 40m...

Has anyone any experience with changing noise blanker boards in the Omni
V? I have read of a newer board being introduced a while ago. Does
anyone have a number I could refer to so as to know which one I
have--earlier or improved version?

Kind regards


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