[TenTec] Ground, noise blankers in the Omni V and plasma TV's

Andrew B. Steen n2gff at sbcglobal.net
Sun Jan 18 20:37:03 EST 2009

AH! A problem I recognize.  I have an Orion II, and a Phillips plasma set.
Since the case is metal, I grounded the case to the outlet ground, and put a
grounding block on the down lead from the satellite dish which is connected
to a ground rod next to the tower.  Seems to help some but the noise is
still there.  The sweep screen does not appear to be fast enough to display
the noise (another reason to want the firmware upgrade), but it is there all
the same.  I do not have a problem on any band other than 75/80 meters.
Andrew, K6STN  

-----Original Message-----
From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
On Behalf Of Scott Sheppard
Sent: Sunday, January 18, 2009 2:54 PM
To: tentec at contesting.com
Subject: [TenTec] Ground, noise blankers in the Omni V and plasma TV's


Dealing with some very bad RFI from my plasma TV (Panasonic).Have
improved my ground to no avail (I honestly did'nt think it would do
anything anyway--in fact it stays the same with no ground at all). Its
all made worse, of course, by the fact I boughgt the TV and brought it
to my --up to then--quiet QTH! My noise blanker on the omni V works OK
on 80m but hopeless on 40m...

Has anyone any experience with changing noise blanker boards in the Omni
V? I have read of a newer board being introduced a while ago. Does
anyone have a number I could refer to so as to know which one I
have--earlier or improved version?

Kind regards


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