[TenTec] WANTED Ten-Tec Argosy 525D (Digital)

Jerry Volpe kg6tt at arrl.net
Mon Jan 26 16:37:26 EST 2009

Looking for a Ten-Tec Argosy 525D (Digital).

- Prefer a serial number above 824 if possible. Your serial number?
- Unmodified.
- Fully functional. Full output.
- Smooth PTO operation preferred, but I can and will rebuild if necessary.
- Cosmetically must be complete. The case and rear panel should be very 
nice (9 of 10?). Front panel and knobs can show normal wear (I have new 

Must include:
- CW audio filter
- Noise-blanker
- Power cord w/connector

Would like it it included:
- 8-pole SSB crystal filter rather than the standard 4-pole filter
- 8-pole 500Hz CW crystal filter or INRAD 400 Hz filter
- Ten-Tec hand mic (nice but really optional)
- Original manual (would be nice) or an excellent reprint.

Please let me know what you have and what you would consider a fair
price including excellent packing and shipping (approx). I would pay
either with a money order or PayPal. It is essential that you supply
clear digital photographs detailing the cosmetics. Please, no equipment 
from a 'smoker's shack.

Jerry, KG6TT

Ralph Jerald "Jerry" Volpe
Amateur Radio Operator KG6TT
ARRL Member & VE
FISTS 12304

788 Chestnut Drive
Fairfield, CA 94533

kg6tt at arrl.net

510 325-7724
707 399-8838 FAX

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