[TenTec] OT Again: Eico 710 GDO

John Graves jh.graves at verizon.net
Sat Jan 31 13:24:17 EST 2009


I suspect the tube myself.  I have the case off.  The GDO is in a 
subchassis and I started to take it apart but figured if I could find 
the construction manual, I might save myself some grief.  I think I will 
take some voltage measurements which would require I remount a ground I 
have already lifted.  Boy, being a ham sure gets interesting some times! 

This started because I wanted to see how my Antenna Analyzer was as a 
frequency counter, and I have an old Cushcraft 5 band verticle that was 
given to me.  I tried it and it did not work!  I took the first trap 
apart and found that critters had found a new home.  Ahh well.  I am a Ham.

John Graves

Dr. Gerald N. Johnson wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-01-30 at 22:11 -0500, John Graves wrote:
>> My Eico 710 GDO has died. No response to changing coils. Dial light 
>> comes on when turned on.  I have found a users manual but not the 
>> building manual.  Does anyone have assembly or disassembly instructions?
> My guess would include a failed tube, probably a 6AF4 UHF tuner triode,
> or a broken cable if the power supply is separate from the dipper.
> Getting into the dipper probably requires removing the screws through
> the U shaped wrapper and sliding it off the bottom. Don't take out
> screws that don't hold that wrapper on.
> Could be a power supply problem too, but the tube is the most likely
> failure.
> 73, Jerry, K0CQ
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