[TenTec] Computer Interface for the Omni VI

Jim Brown k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com
Tue Jun 30 07:32:47 PDT 2009

David & Chris Drake wrote:

> Just wondered if straight through cabling (db25 to db9) is the preferred option?  

> (I just want to read the transciever with minimal rig control)

All you need is a straight through connection of the wires that are on 
pins 2 and 3 of the DB9 to their respective pins on the DB25, plus a 
connection from shell of the DB9 to shell of the DB25. Using the shell 
to shell connection in place of the so-called signal ground pin 
eliminates the "pin 1 problem" that can cause RFI.

So-called "level converters" (really a polarity inverter) are needed 
ONLY by contesting programs to send CW (on pin 4 of the DB9) and PTT (on 
pin 7 of the DB9). If you're not going to do contesting, you don't need 
> And the second question, is what programs seem to work the best with the Omni VI? 

For YOUR interest, I strongly recommend the DXLab Suite of programs. 
DXKeeper is the logger, Commander is simple rig control, DXView maps a 
call sign and gives you azimuth headings and distance. They work very 
well, and they are FREE!  DXKeeper keeps track of awards, QSLs, etc.

If you want fancier rig control, check out Ham Radio Deluxe, written by 
a British ham living in Switzerland. I met him at Dayton five years ago 
in the QRP hotel. Good guy, excellent software. It is also free, and 
also has a logger. Up to now, his logger has not been as good as 
DXKeeper, but he's been working on upgrading it over the last year or so.

If you want to do contesting, use N1MM (also FREE) for contest operation 
  and logging, then export the contest file to your other logger.

For more on rig interfacing, see my tutorial at



Jim Brown K9YC

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