[TenTec] Computer Interface for the Omni VI

N4PY2 n4py2 at earthlink.net
Tue Jun 30 08:59:14 PDT 2009

Logger32 is another good one for the Omni VI.

Carl Moreschi N4PY
121 Little Bell Drive
Bell Mountain
Hays, NC 28635

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "David Drake" <drakes at psci.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 11:56 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] Computer Interface for the Omni VI

> Jim,
> Thank you very much for the good information.  And yes I have things wired
> up correctly and no RFI issues are apparent.  I looked over your tutorial
> briefly and will go back over it again.  I've downloaded HRD as well as 
> the
> DXLab and am currently trying to get them set up correctly to decide which
> works best for me.  I've still got a lot to figure out, but will get there
> eventually.  Another program I have tried is Commcat.  It also seems to 
> work
> well, but not free.  I had it working fine, and then it simply quit 
> reading
> the radio.  Checked for wiring issues, and found none.  I may go back to
> that one and go through the setup again, but it looks like DXLab is
> currently in first place.  I need to settle on one and dig in.
> Thanks again,
> David Drake
> Wd9cmd
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Jim Brown" <k9yc at audiosystemsgroup.com>
> To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, June 30, 2009 10:32 AM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] Computer Interface for the Omni VI
>> David & Chris Drake wrote:
>>> Just wondered if straight through cabling (db25 to db9) is the preferred
>>> option?
>>> (I just want to read the transciever with minimal rig control)
>> All you need is a straight through connection of the wires that are on
>> pins 2 and 3 of the DB9 to their respective pins on the DB25, plus a
>> connection from shell of the DB9 to shell of the DB25. Using the shell
>> to shell connection in place of the so-called signal ground pin
>> eliminates the "pin 1 problem" that can cause RFI.
>> So-called "level converters" (really a polarity inverter) are needed
>> ONLY by contesting programs to send CW (on pin 4 of the DB9) and PTT (on
>> pin 7 of the DB9). If you're not going to do contesting, you don't need
>> them.
>>> And the second question, is what programs seem to work the best with the
>>> Omni VI?
>> For YOUR interest, I strongly recommend the DXLab Suite of programs.
>> DXKeeper is the logger, Commander is simple rig control, DXView maps a
>> call sign and gives you azimuth headings and distance. They work very
>> well, and they are FREE!  DXKeeper keeps track of awards, QSLs, etc.
>> If you want fancier rig control, check out Ham Radio Deluxe, written by
>> a British ham living in Switzerland. I met him at Dayton five years ago
>> in the QRP hotel. Good guy, excellent software. It is also free, and
>> also has a logger. Up to now, his logger has not been as good as
>> DXKeeper, but he's been working on upgrading it over the last year or so.
>> If you want to do contesting, use N1MM (also FREE) for contest operation
>>  and logging, then export the contest file to your other logger.
>> For more on rig interfacing, see my tutorial at
>> http://audiosystemsgroup.com/HamInterfacing.pdf
>> 73,
>> Jim Brown K9YC
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