[TenTec] FW Update Problem w/O2
jmiller1706 at cfl.rr.com
jmiller1706 at cfl.rr.com
Mon Mar 2 09:39:36 PST 2009
I also moved to another COM port, so I'm not sure if that solved the problem or it was something else. Eventually set the USB adaptor to COM3 if I remember correctly. Try setting it to another unused COM port.
---- Ron Castro <ronc at sonic.net> wrote:
> This still sounds like a COM port problem in the computer. I have been
> using a USB to serial port converter for a couple of years and it has worked
> perfectly on the my Orion II, a friend's 'original' v. 1x Orion, my old
> TS-870, plus numerous other devices.
> FWIW, I found that all USB-to-serial converters are based on two different
> chips...one seems to work all the time and the other is flakey, but I don't
> know which one is which! What I do know is that the one made by "Cables To
> Go" works for me every time, so I bought four of them and keep one
> everywhere I think I might need one.
> BTW, I use this on a Sony P-4 laptop with XP Pro.
> Ron N6IE
> www.N6IE.com
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Joe Giacobello" <k2xx at swva.net>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Cc: <jmiller1706 at cfl.rr.com>
> Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 6:40 AM
> Subject: Re: [TenTec] FW Update Problem w/O2
> > Jim and Billy, thanks for your inputs, but I'm continuing to have both an
> > exasperating and mysterious series of problems with the FW installation.
> >
> > Apparently, those messages that I was receiving on the Orion screen were
> > indicative of the FW code being loaded albeit at a very slow pace. I went
> > back and tried it again several times and on some occasions the transfer
> > would stop at an early line and the update software would close. The
> > furthest I got before the transfer stopped was program flash 266. The
> > speed seemed to be erratic, but it was generally quite slow. It made
> > little difference whether I used hardware flow control or none and 57.6K
> > speed or slower. Even though I usually received the error message that
> > there was no communication between update software and the Orion, the
> > Orion display showed
> >
> > I am currently using a multi-serial port PCI card for serial ports. It
> > has worked flawlessly for several years with a number of different
> > applications. I tried Jim's suggestion of using a USB-to-serial adapter
> > and his port settings, but there appeared to be nothing happening based on
> > no info being displayed on the Orion screen. I went back to the PCI
> > serial port and now, unlike my earlier experiences, saw no info displayed
> > on the screen that indicated data transfer (or anything else for that
> > matter). (So Jim's remedy may have been working, but I couldn't tell.)
> >
> > Finally, I ran a serial port analyzer program and it showed that
> > communication between the port and the Orion was established practically
> > instantaneously, but then the data transfer slowed to a snail's pace when
> > the update software started transferring code. (This is when the error
> > message about loss of communication is generated. Apparently, it has
> > slowed, but it has not stopped.) One line of code was being transferred
> > every 6-7 seconds. I decided to allow the transfer to continue overnight
> > and by this morning about half the code had been loaded and there are
> > still no messages on the orion screen.
> >
> > I haven't the vaguest idea why I'm having this problem. It seems that
> > most users have had no problems, although a small minority have had
> > problems similar to mine. I never had any problems loading Orion I FW
> > with the same setup. Really mysterious.
> >
> > 73, Joe
> > K2XX
> >
> >
> >
> > /I had the same problem, others have mentioned it also. I finally had to
> > buy
> > a cheap USB to serial converter and use it. I suspect that something in
> > the
> > latest indows version doesn't like the older serial card I was using. I
> > think some folks think it may be a Windows XP or Vista problem. But also
> > be
> > sure you have your serial port set to 57600 bps, no parity, hardware flow
> > control. You do this in the Windows Device Manager, under COM and LPT
> > ports.
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: tentec-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:tentec-bounces at contesting.com]
> > On Behalf Of Joe Giacobello
> > Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 5:35 PM
> > To: tentec at contesting.com
> > Subject: [TenTec] FW Update Problem w/O2
> >
> > I have just been trying to install FW 2.041XL and have major problems.
> > After starting the update, I first get an error message indicating that
> > there's no communication with the radio. If I repeat the update one or
> > two more times, I finally get a message on the Orion screen that says
> > "Erase Flash" which then switches to "Program Flash 1." The number in
> > that message continuously increments every 10 seconds or so, but nothing
> > else happens. I can stop the numbers from incrementing by just shutting
> > down the update software. So there must be some communication between
> > the software and the O2.
> >
> > I've tried both master resets and RAM clears w/o any effect, and I also
> > re-downloaded the FW file. I can't even re-install the original FW.
> > Never had problems updating the original Orion.
> >
> > Anyone seen anything similar or have any thoughts on what might be going
> > on?/
> >
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