[TenTec] O2 AGC settings for 2041XL

Doug Turnbull turnbull at net1.ie
Tue May 5 13:20:16 PDT 2009

I have only now installed 2041XL firmware and it seems to be working okay
with my 2039D AGC settings but I am a bit confused.   Despite following this
reflector for nearly three years I do not immediately see the advantage of
the AF AGC and am still using IF AGC.   There was little advice as to the
relative performance advantages of the two types of AGC.   My main concerns
are cw contesting, cw dx on 160M and occasionally phone contesting.   I
listen to rag chewers but do not indulge myself.   Have people found it
advisable to change their AGC settings with the new IF AGC?   When is the AF
AGC an advantage and what AGC settings are recommended?   I would be
grateful to learn from your experience.


So far the radio is stable and I have not experienced the problem with the
sweep display but I understand from Ron Castro's site that the difficulty
does not occur often and that it is easy to clear.   I am not sure what the
advantage of the waterfall display is.


I have an RF clipper on order but understand that TT is presently out of
stock and that none will be shipped till the end of May.


          73 Doug EI2CN



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