[TenTec] New Orion 1 - 2.063Xg

wa3fiy at radioadv.com wa3fiy at radioadv.com
Thu May 14 17:27:24 PDT 2009

Hi John and group.  I imagine John that you are aware of the little marker 
that rides along the top of the sweep screen as you tune.  Since the sweep 
stops during tuning, I can see how that would work pretty well to find a signal 
or a quite spot but you have to be tuning to get there.  May not work so well 
on traffic handling when you want to send someone up or down so many 
Khz.   Hmmmm..............?

Ten Tec did not fix my complaints which involve audio levels which are all 
goofy compared to 1.373.   I have to have sidetone on 5 to balance with the 
incoming audio.  Out of a range of 1 to 100, that yields very coarse setting.  
Then, the spot level is way too high.  Turn down the spot level (using 
sidetone control) and of course the sidetone is too low to be useful.   What a 
bummer.   I would think TT could handle that little detail easily.   I also have 
pretty low output level on the aux audio output.  Hardly enough to drive my 
sound card.

Well, I'll give it some time but it looks like I'll be going back to 1.373b5.  That 
one is still the best I've found for my purposes.   At least I have some 
options..........that's nice.    :-)




On 14 May 2009 at 16:52, John T. Fleming wrote:

> I installed the new software and my one complaint has been repaired. If the
> sub-receiver is on AM and the transceiver is operating in the SSB mode, once
> the rig transmitted, the headphone audio disappeared. That is now fixed.
> The small marks at the bottom of the sweep are missing which to me and
> traffic handling, it is going to take some adjustment to guess where there
> is a quiet spot for passing traffic.
> Thanks Ten-Tec for your work.
> 73,
> John
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