[TenTec] TT and the rest of us

Billy Cox aa4nu at ix.netcom.com
Sat May 16 22:03:44 PDT 2009

An interesting rant Charlie ... Especially as you
are waiting for Yaesu to FINALLY address the known
problems of your FT9K ... How long before they have
it back to you? And weren't you complaining about it
not that long ago as to *IF* they would include yours
as you are outside the USA? I recall your sour grapes.
Did they agree to pickup all the shipping $$$ for you?

And how will it compare to the real top tier radios by 
today's standards? Using the technology from the FT2K 
<and it's low reputation> to try and patch up the FT9K 
platform is well, interesting, if not desperate really!

I don't recall any TenTec rig/platform ever requiring a 
DEFECTIVE PRODUCT RECALL program, hidden of course under 
the marketing label as a "PEP" ... really slick there.

Now, let's see what they do about the many more FT2K
owners who thought they were purchasing a platform that 
had diversity receive and roofing filters that actually 
worked as advertised ... I am sorry Charlie, when did 
you say those problems will be corrected? "What problems"
has been Yaesu's response to date on that platform ...

Is Yaesu not capable of this "because that is all that
they can do"? 


BTW, that internal antenna tuner does not do one much
good if one is using an amplifer now does it? What?

They might just have a need for ... oh I don't know, 
perhaps a legal limit tuner AFTER their amp ... What?

I forgot, what are the NEW HF products from Yaesu this
year? They are still to "fix" the FT9K, which was, IIRC 
announced at Dayton last year ... and still very much in 
denial about the FT2K's receiver's lack of performance.

Is Yaesu not capable of this "because that is all that
they can do"? 

Check out their firmware revision history as to what can
happen when you release things without testing ... as in
the two updates in the last week, the second to fix the
problems created by the first "update" which is still
trying to resolve DSP problems that have been there since
day one with that platform, and that would be about 2006.

Maybe Yaesu should try designing a speech processor ... B-)

Last time I checked TT's website, they are still looking
to fill the SW engineer position ... while many would love
to see more attention to firmware updates, that's rather
tough to do with an empty seat there at the moment. I'd
even bet TT management would like to see this done too.

So let's compare your FT9K before or after it's 'recall fixes'
with the present Omni VII or Orion II ... even with their own
known warts and wrinkles, and at a much lower price points.

Wonder where the FT9K might end up on many's folks list as
to the best value for their money today, and tomorrow ...

<And yes, we know you have a K3 too>.

73 de Billy, AA4NU

-----Original Message-----
>From: Charles Harpole <k4vud at hotmail.com>
>Sent: May 16, 2009 10:54 PM
>To: Ten Tec List <tentec at contesting.com>
>Subject: [TenTec] TT and the rest of us
>It is difficult to come to terms with, but
>we Earthlings have been living on borrowed
>time (and money) for years, especially in the
>developed countries.  Now the bill has come due 
>and the wolf will not take "later" for a payment.
>So, companies in many industries scramble to
>hold on by releasing products way before they
>are ready for the market... looking at computer
>industry as a model for this.  
>Nobody now, and for YEARS to come, can really
>cope with the economic crisis and, at the same
>time, most think business as usual will pop back
>"real soon now."  Printing money just puts the
>debt onto future generationS in monstrous
>So, TT pushes a speech processor maybe 
>because that is all they can do, a product
>choice which has the wisdom of offering
>an auto antenna tuner to people with auto 
>ant tuners BUILT IN their rigs....  what?
>>Rant over.  73,
>>Charles Harpole k4vud at hotmail.com 

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