[TenTec] OT: Phonetics

Charles Harpole k4vud at hotmail.com
Sun May 17 06:56:27 PDT 2009

I listen to state-side hams calling me

at HS0ZCW and wonder.  I give a R4-S7,

which is a nice way to say, "You are a whisper"

but the caller gives his call once and I have to

ask for repeat, then he sez it once, AGAIN, altho

I announced QRN and QSB.

Good ops:  Please tell ur friends to call

a DX, who has already announced his 

difficult hearing condx, to call 3 times.

And use phonetics from place names, like

this:  America, Boston, Canada, Denmark,

England, Florida, Germany, Honolulu, Italy,

Japan, Kentucky, London, Mexico, Norway,

Ontario, Pacific, Quebec, Radio (a little town nr

Oslo), Santiago, Tokyo, United (everyone knows 

United States in any language), Vermont, Washington,

X-Ray (ok  ok...), Yokohama, Zanzibar.

AND, when I can't get just one letter like "S"

say "Santiago" (repeat thrice) and then Sugar 

(thrice), and even something else maybe.

So many hams are too afraid of taking up a DX's 

time that they increase the waste time with

poor op practice.  I promise this is the last

rant this week (month?)

Charles Harpole
k4vud at hotmail.com   

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