[TenTec] Observation about ''STEP'' in 2.041XT
sv8ing at yahoo.gr
sv8ing at yahoo.gr
Mon May 18 01:33:10 PDT 2009
I just noticed that although I choose different values for the ''Step'' for each receiver,both receivers tune with the step of the receiver,whose button is pressed(MAIN RX or SUB RX).
In previous FW I could choose the Main Rx ,and have 1khz step,and I could change freq in the sub receiver with 5khz step(without pressing the SUB RX)
Now (2.041XT) I have to press ''Sub RX'' and both receivers change with 5kxz step.
Press ''Main RX '' and both tune with 1 khz step.
Fotis SV8ING
--- Στις Σάβ., 16/05/09, ο/η John Sheeley <wb4qda at yahoo.com> έγραψε:
Από: John Sheeley <wb4qda at yahoo.com>
Θέμα: Re: [TenTec] 2.041XT Beta-red screen!!!!?????
Προς: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Ημερομηνία: Σάββατο, 16 Μάιος 2009, 15:43
Strange On my first production Orion II . 2days running about 30 hours using both RF agc and AF agc I have not seen a red screen yet
John wb4qda
----- Original Message ----
From: Fotis SV8ING <sv8ing at yahoo.gr>
To: tentec at contesting.com
Sent: Saturday, May 16, 2009 9:28:07 AM
Subject: [TenTec] 2.041XT Beta-red screen!!!!?????
Hi all
The ''red screen of horror'' is back (RF AGC)!!
Is it so difficult for TT to fix this?
Fotis SV8ING
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