[TenTec] Ten Tec Advertising
atrampler at att.net
atrampler at att.net
Mon May 18 02:00:32 PDT 2009
As someone who like many of you has spent much of his life running
businesses, my observation is tht Ten Tec advertising often seems geared
toward Ten Tec. What message does Ten Tec want to hear, rather than, "What
message is most likely to be effective with our intended audience?"
Some of these ads remind me of a teacher in high school who would simply
write, "SO WHAT" or "WHO CARES?" in large, red letters when he came across
material in a paper that was unnecessary and took away from the work.
How un-PC!!! I credit him with teaching me how to write.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas" <sparks06524 at yahoo.com>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, May 18, 2009 3:42 AM
Subject: [TenTec] Ten Tec Advertising
> I do wonder about the future of Ten-Tec and as of late I've not been too
> convinced of the effectiveness of Ten-Tec advertising. Their recent QST
> full page ads simply extolling "Great Audio" don't seem too impressive.
> I suppose they are trying to change their image from a company that is
> seen as catering mainly to CW enthusiasts. However, how many Hams are
> really into the "great audio" argument? Those that are really into great
> receive and transmit audio are probably running vintage rigs on AM and are
> not potential Ten-Tec customers. The DX crowd couldn't care less about
> audio quality - witnessed by the highly processed audio you hear during
> DXpeditions and contesting. Ask the average ham about audio quality and
> they'd probably reply that good audio is whatever is most effective in
> punching through and making the QSO. Bob Heil sells a lot of his mics
> based on that. Hey, there's an idea: How about Ten-Tec teaming up with
> Heil and using his reputation to sell "Heil tailered audio" rigs and or
> accessories? A Ten-Tec/Heil audio equalizer, for example?
> So, where is the market that Ten-Tec is trying to reach with their current
> advertising? Meanwhile, flip a few pages and read the jazzy ads that
> Yaecomwood are running. I know that advertising budgets for Ten-Tec must
> be limited, however I sure wouldn't spend a limited budget on a campaign
> like this.
> Their former technical facts ads were decent. Also, rotating their QST ads
> more often through their product line, rather than running the same ad for
> 2 to 3 months would be more effective. However, that again probably
> relates to budget in terms of layout and design costs.
> 73,
> Doug/WA1TUT
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