[TenTec] Yaesu FT-1000D RF Compressor versus Ten-Tec 715 RF Clipper... not the same.

David & Chris Drake drakes at psci.net
Fri May 29 14:30:27 PDT 2009

Jerry, you are quite right regarding the design.  But I do wonder if 
everyone knows the difference or if TT is simply selling them as a "better" 
processor.  If everyone has the right information, most of the time they 
will make reasonably good decisions.  Had a boss one time that taught me 
that anytime you make a mistake, its due to not having all the facts to 
consider.  The assumption is that with all the facts, reasonable people make 
good decisions.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jerry Volpe" <kg6tt at arrl.net>
To: <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, May 29, 2009 4:31 PM
Subject: [TenTec] Yaesu FT-1000D RF Compressor versus Ten-Tec 715 RF 
Clipper... not the same.

> Quote:
>    "Dear Rick,
>    With all due respect, I'm interested in finding out why you are using
>    the Ten Tec RF processor with a 1000D when the 1000D has one of the
>    best RF speech processors ever to be included with a ham rig, built
>    right into one of the rig's IFs where an RF processor belongs."
> There is another issue at work here when comparing the Yaesu design to the 
> Ten-Tec 717....
> A check of the FT-1000D User Manual confirms that Yaesu included an RF 
> Speech Compressor circuit... whereas the Ten-Tec Model 715 is an RF 
> Clipper.... not a compressor. There are rather significant differences to 
> how compressor and clipper circuits work, with clippers being more complex 
> in design therefore generally more costly.... which is why most 
> transceivers use either audio compression, audio clipping or RF 
> compression for speech processing circuits. Then of course all audio 
> compressors are not alike.... all RF compressors are not alike, etc.
> There have been more than a few studies over the years comparing the 
> maximum possible 'clean(ish)' increase in average voice for a RF 
> compressor versus a RF clipper circuit. Ten-Tec provides a copy of one of 
> those studies with each 715 and I believe it can be downloaded from their 
> website as well. I suggest a good place to begin is to allow each person 
> to do their own investigation and afterwards make up their own minds as to 
> what is right for their needs.
> 73,
> Jerry, KG6TT
> -- 
> Ralph Jerald "Jerry" Volpe
> Amateur Radio Operator KG6TT
> ARRL Member & VE
> FISTS 12304
> 788 Chestnut Drive
> Fairfield, CA 94533
> kg6tt at arrl.net
> 510 325-7724
> 707 399-8838 FAX
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