[TenTec] Ten Tec 962 PS Adjustments

George Stern k2jyl at yahoo.com
Sat Nov 7 05:32:22 PST 2009

I have a 962 Power Supply Im using with my Omni 6+. I recently had the rectifier fail in it. I replaced the rectifier, pass transistors and all filter caps in the unit.
The supply operates fine however I noticed yesterday when I accidently keyed the rig into a high swr the supply didnt trip and shut down.
I was under the impression the supply has a circuit breaker, however reading through the description the supply has an electronic current limiter with a factory set threshold of 22 amps.
My question is since I've replaced major components of the supply and likely affected the overcurrent trip settings how do I adjust the electronic current limiting to the proper value?
I have 2 pots in the supply R24 100 OHM which is off the B+ rail and goes through a resistor to to pass transistor Q8 and R30 1K which is between the B+ and B- rail and the wiper going to the small IC which I assume is the regualtor.
If someone has done this before or has any info on the adjustment procedure any information would be greatly appreciated.
George K2JYL


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