[TenTec] TenTec Digest, Vol 83, Issue 9
Walt K8CV
waltk8cv4612amos at att.net
Thu Nov 12 06:03:10 PST 2009
I talked to one ham who returned the Jupiter on the 30 day trial, as even
the FACTORY couldn't talk him through getting it on the air! Yet, he could
run his old Collins equipment and some Drake rig he had just fine and was
talking to me on the Drake. Go figure! The Jupiter is supposed to be the
easiest of DIGITAL radios to get going !
TenTec must understand, not everyone can make these gee whiz things work,
and has a return policy which none of the other manufacturers have ! :-)
Walt K8CV Royal Oak, MI.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Carter" <k8vt at ameritech.net>
To: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 12, 2009 8:45 AM
Subject: Re: [TenTec] TenTec Digest, Vol 83, Issue 9
>> No, I can't design or build the eqivalent of today's Ten-Tec but
>> anyone can at least try to troubleshoot when the guy who built it
>> will walk you through on the phone.
> I would respectfully disagree with your statement above. Just -anyone-
> may not be 'walked through' a repair over the phone -- for numerous
> reasons:
> (I am excepting the very basic cases of "Is such and so cable plugged
> in" or "Is the 'x' switch in the correct position").
> 1) Our ham population is aging. Many may not have the steadiest hands or
> the best eyesight.
> 2) Some may not have a DMM, VOM or any other test equipment.
> 3) Please don't overlook the diversity of our ham population (one of our
> greatest strengths, I believe). We have a lot of hams -with- an
> electronics background, but many hams that may not: a plumber, a bus
> driver, whatever. They may very well be capable operators or contesters
> or rag chewers, but just don't have an electronics background.
>> but look at those who BUY a dipole! Any excuse?
> I've personally never done that, but sure, there's an 'excuse'. Here are
> just two of many possible reasons: One that comes to mind is 'one stop
> shopping'. Deal with one vendor, instead of one for the wire, insulators
> and transmission line -- convenience. Another reason might be they don't
> own a tape measure long enough to measure the length of wire needed and
> don't want to have to buy or borrow one. Pick any one of twenty other
> reasons. Buying a dipole may not be for everyone, but I wouldn't
> universally condemn it.
> Just my $0.02 worth
> 73, Carter K8VT
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