[TenTec] Hercules II drive requirement

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Sat Nov 14 17:03:37 PST 2009

>> How is it that you can get full output from your Hercules II with only 
>> 10 watts drive? Do you have another gain stage between your K3 and the 
>> standard Hercules II? Or is your Hercules II modified in some way?

>> No mods at all. As to the drive level, I'm going by the readout on the K3. 
In that case I suspect the "10 watt K3" puts out more than 10 watts. 
Have you ever made any measurements to find out how much drive you 
really are giving the Hercules II? And also how are you determining that 
the Herc is being driven to full output? The bar graph power indicators, 
the overdrive LED, and the meter on the Hercules II are all adjustable, 
so without calibration to some kind of trusted reference, those readings 
are not to be trusted.

My Hercules II gives just a bit over 10 dB gain. Fifty watts of drive is 
more than enough to get 500 watts output on most bands. Twenty five 
watts drive will never give 500 watts out, the gain is never as high as 
13 dB.

Ken N6KB

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