[TenTec] Worn out on the continual debates....

Jerry Volpe kg6tt at arrl.net
Sun Nov 15 00:56:48 PST 2009

I come to the Ten-Tec Reflectors for information and discussions on how 
to get the best performance out of a particular Ten-Tec. I have no 
interest in learning what the Elecraft can do or not, etc... at least 
not on this reflector. I subscribe to the Elecraft Reflector too. That 
is where I go for information, discussions, etc... related to their 
equipment. I surely wish we could all come to a gentleman's agreement to 
not drag the comparisons on and on. Unfortunately I don't expect that 
level of cooperation. I already went to Digest form a few years back so 
I can quickly skim through the Ten-Tec bashing, Elecraft bashing,.... 
whatever. My next stop is to give up altogether and simply 
unsubscribe.... not to that point yet, but getting there. I am not 
looking to cheer TT and carry on high the Ten-Tec banner..... just 
support those who currently own and use a Ten-Tec and gain some support 
myself..... the concept here is that we, current TT owners, can get the 
most out of their equipment investment. Getting a bit tired of the 
Sherwood evaluations too.... I have studied them closely and see none of 
the major transceiver being noticeably superior under actual day-to-day 
use. It is really a lot of subjective opinions as to what specs 
differentiate true differences in performance.

Finally on the subject of  those continually weighing in on the TT 
Reflector when they no longer have a TT Transceiver..... frankly, I 
don't get it. If you have an Icom why not 'reflect' on an Icom 
Reflector? If you have an Elecraft.... well you get my thought. My 
thinking is instead of boohooing what we don't have or seeking support 
for our own ego decisions ....why not spend time and energy on the 
reflector/group that supports what you are using? As an RF Engineer and 
a long time ham radio operator, my personal impression is that the 
ultimate differences in performance are so subjective at this level of 
transceiver development and manufacturing to pretty much invalidate 
specific claims of superiority. Seems like simple oneupmanship....  but 
this is my opinion.

Why can't we simply agree to disagree on some points and bring the 
discussions back to supporting Ten-Tec users and Ten-Tec equipment?  
Lastly, it seems to me that there is little value in trying to second 
guess Ten-Tec product development strategy on a reflector. The TT 
support page says nothing about Orion development ceasing. Next week it 
might, but until they actually state that fact why not assume that once 
TT has added to their engineering team they will re-address firmware 
issues for the Orion and Orion II? Probably the best place for our 
firmware related inquires is TT Themselves.... so if you really want to 
know why not write them a letter? My letters get answered... your's 
would too I imagine.

Meanwhile back to DXing with my Orion 565....!

73 Everyone,

Jerry, KG6TT

Ralph Jerald "Jerry" Volpe
Amateur Radio Operator KG6TT
ARRL Member & VE
FISTS 12304

788 Chestnut Drive
Fairfield, CA 94533

kg6tt at arrl.net

510 325-7724
707 399-8838 FAXtly

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