[TenTec] Updated "FIX IT" list for Orion II v. 2.041XL
Fotis SV8ING
sv8ing at yahoo.gr
Mon Nov 23 22:47:22 PST 2009
Hi Fernando
That's exactly what we do and get an audio crash-you hear only white noise.
Maybe this doesn't happen to Orion I ,I don't know...
I will check it,and ask a friend who owns it and get back to you.
Fotis SV8ING
--- Στις Δευτ., 23/11/09, ο/η N2FQ <n2fq at sbcglobal.net> έγραψε:
Από: N2FQ <n2fq at sbcglobal.net>
Θέμα: Re: [TenTec] Updated "FIX IT" list for Orion II v. 2.041XL
Προς: "Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment" <tentec at contesting.com>
Ημερομηνία: Δευτέρα, 23 Νοέμβριος 2009, 16:52
I'm using (2.063Xg) and can't duplicate it Orion 1.
Çorrect me if I'm wrong but these are the steps I did:
exit menu
Press Notch
Press NR
Doesn't crash. I have NR set 3 and Notch as C:1050 Hz W: 300 Hz.
73 Fernando N2FQ
Fotis SV8ING wrote:
> I confirm that the ''audio crash'' still exists when you press Notch and NR in AF AGC mode.(2.041XT)
> We've checked it in 2 Orions 566 here, and the crash is always there...
> Any news, anybody, about the ''final'' FW?
> 73
> Fotis SV8ING
> --- Óôéò Êõñ., 22/11/09, ï/ç ac9s at mchsi.com <ac9s at mchsi.com> Ýãñáøå:
> Áðü: ac9s at mchsi.com <ac9s at mchsi.com>
> ÈÝìá: [TenTec] Updated "FIX IT" list for Orion II v. 2.041XL
> Ðñïò: tentec at contesting.com
> Çìåñïìçíßá: ÊõñéáêÞ, 22 ÍïÝìâñéïò 2009, 22:35
> The "crash on AN or Notch pressed in AF Agc hasn't totallly disappeared. I just crashed my O2 doing this a few minutes ago. It is the main reason I don't use AF Agc; I like the way manual notch works, but it is less than useful when the rig crashes.
> Keith
> AC9S
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