[TenTec] Filter information

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Fri Nov 27 19:01:05 PST 2009

 From the list below you can see that Ten-Tec 6.3 MHz IF filters are 
models 282, 285 and 288. They are also designated by stock numbers 
48053, 48054, 48074 and 48075. I there is a three numeral model number 
for the stock code 48074 filter, I would like to know it to update this 

Ten-Tec IF filter data

Model Number / Stock Code / Bandwidth Hz / Center frequency MHz / Poles

Following the number of poles are other numbers that have been reported
seen on these filters. They may be date codes or PCB design numbers.

216 / 48161 /  500 / 9.002210 / 6 RTTY filter
217 / 48036 /  500 / 9.000750 / 8
218 / 48037 / 1800 / 9.001500 / 8
219 / 48055 /  250 / 9.000750 / 6 /8047 / 6840
??? / 48057 /  ??? / ????     / 4 / 84-05
220 / 48058 / 2400 / 9.001500 / 8 /8307 / 6840
221 / 48243 /  250 / 9.000500 / 6 Low note CW filter
282 / 48054 /  250 / 6.299250 / 8
285 / 48053 /  500 / 6.299250 / 8
288 / 48075 / 1800 / 6.300000 / 8 / 9125 / N5
unk / 48127 / 6000 / 9 / ?
unk / 48074 / 2400 / 6.3 / Stock (non-option) 6.3 MHz filter>

The following reported as Collins mechanical filters for Omni VII, and

  Filter Number    TT Item #   Filter BW

  526-8733-010  =  2032        300Hz
  526-8693-010  =  2031        500Hz
  526-8694-010  =  stock       2.5kHz


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