[TenTec] FS: INRAD SSB 2.4 KHz Roofing Filter Mod

David and Dianne on Comcast dhhdeh at comcast.net
Tue Sep 1 15:36:29 PDT 2009

*FS: INRAD SSB 2.4 KHz Roofing Filter* mod kit for the Omni V, VI or 
VI+.   Was installed briefly in my Omni V but recently removed as my 
radio location and operating style do not require it. I was using the NB 
switch to insert it into the OMNI V IF circuit and wished to return the 
NB arrangement to original design. Has all the parts and is as new 
electrically and physically. Includes INRAD instructions. Sells new for 
$175. Yours for $85 shipped (1/2 price!) USPS Priority Mail in the USA. 
Contact me off list with you questions. dhhdeh at comcast.net  73 de N1LQ-Dave

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