[TenTec] Radio shack DOES have DeOxit

Ken Brown ken.d.brown at hawaiiantel.net
Thu Apr 1 16:41:26 PDT 2010

Best stuff to use is Caig Laboratories De-Oxit. Used to be called 
Cramolin, or at least a very similar product of theirs was. Most places 
that sell it have the spray cans. Using it as a spray gets it where you 
don't need it, and wastes it. Better to get it in a bottle, and apply 
just where needed in very small quantities.

> http://www.caig.com/
I would avoid other stuff. Some of those things have solvents that can 
do damage.


John Molenda wrote:
> Just so happens I bought a can of similar stuff it is marked Anti corrosive 
> lubricant spry .  Is this there deoxit spray ? It is in a small 5o/z bottle 
> .  John kb2huk
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "J B" <johnk5mo at gmail.com>
> To: <tentec at contesting.com>
> Sent: Thursday, April 01, 2010 4:57 PM
> Subject: [TenTec] Radio shack DOES have DeOxit
>> Pro gold and the other formulation.
>> Surprised me too, but check it out on the web...
>> John K5MO
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