[TenTec] Scout 555 MIC Gain Question...

Ben Hall kd5byb at kd5byb.net
Sat Apr 3 14:03:02 PDT 2010

Hey fellas,

Just wanted to send an update on my 555 that had low mic gain.  Well, 
before I sent if off to Ten-Tec for repair, I decided to see if perhaps 
I could fix it.  Out came the schematic and I could find nothing wrong 
in the audio gain section.  (mine must be a late model - it's all 
surface mount components!)

So my thoughts turned to the ALC section.  Well guess what was 
mis-adjusted?  The ALC (R21) pot, which is known as the RF power 
adjustment on the bottom of the rig.  Following the manual, hooked up a 
straight key, adjusted R21 for 50 watts out, and plugged the mic back in.

I can now light up the ALC light with the mic gain at about 10 o'clock.

I'm a happy camper.

thanks much and 73,
ben, kd5byb
Ben Hall, kd5byb at kd5byb.net - ALWAYS OUTNUMBERED, NEVER OUTGUNNED.

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