[TenTec] Opinions on the Paragon

Vic Klein vhklein at ptd.net
Mon Apr 5 04:01:30 PDT 2010

Personally, I love my Paragon. It has specs that rival many of the newest
radios, is fun to operate, and is (IMHO) the best looking radio (along with
the Omni V and VI) that has ever been made...even better than the classic
Collins S-Line, which is a close second. I suspect there are lemons out
there in any model of equipment, and the solder issues on the PLL boards
with these radios is well known, but other than that, it is pretty
bulletproof. I bought mine used and it went 6 years before I had to address
that loop problem. I love the general coverage receive and the ability to
work 60m right away, the ability to use any filter in any mode, and the
alphanumeric display for memories. I would get a more modern chip like sold
by N4PY or Gielh, as the one-button band changing and band-stacking
registers are a must for pleasant operating, but those are still inexpensive
and available. Crystal filters are also readily available. Finding an RS-232
board to allow computer control is pretty tough, and unless you have the
N4PY chip, finding software that controls the original Paragon's unique
commands is hard (I wrote my own), but for the prices these radios usually
sell for, I think they are about the best bargain in high-performing radios
out there.


To: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Subject: [TenTec] Opinions on the Paragon
From: Jeramy Ross <w5xtl at filexiii.org>
Reply-to: Discussion of Ten-Tec Equipment <tentec at contesting.com>
Date: Sun, 4 Apr 2010 15:35:01 -0500
List-post: <tentec at contesting.com">mailto:tentec at contesting.com>

Hello all,

    I have the opportunity to pick up a Paragon in great condition.  It's
been gone through by Ten-Tec (Major/Minor loop boards fixed, aligned, and
fully gone through).  Opinions
on this rig, when looking at the reviews, seem to be sharply divided.  I
love the size and looks of the rig, but am wondering about first hand
experience in it's actual operation.  Is it a maintenance nightmare?  Are
parts still generally available if needed?  Any issues with the CPU and
control circuitry (where I see the most issues obtaining parts if needed...
I could be wrong... but digital obsolescence scares the heck out of me when
it comes to trying to find parts for rigs).

Thank you in advance,
Jeramy / W5XTL

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